Hair Perms & Neutralisers

Provides a natural wave that lasts. Ensures elasticity, briskly defined. Excellent sensitivity for the structure of the hair as well as highly reliable results thanks to the proven...
Provides a natural wave that lasts. Ensures elasticity, briskly defined. Excellent sensitivity for the structure of the hair as well as highly reliable results thanks to the proven effectiveness of Technology Neutral: it acts in the range of natural pH.Precious lipids begin to treat the hair during ...
The new generation of modern permanent waving and uses the special system of carriers and advanced technology to give Q10 ripple elasticity and durability. The system of vectors h...
The new generation of modern permanent waving and uses the special system of carriers and advanced technology to give Q10 ripple elasticity and durability. The system of vectors helps to reach areas of the hair more difficult to treat and allows the sulfur bridges to open in a homogeneous way. The ...